1970’s fashions that are so bad it’s good

Fashion has changed dramatically over the decades, along with advertising. Most people believe that fashion has improved over the past 30 years, but others would disagree. The biggest fashion movement nowadays is trying to be very trendy. People are digging through their closets and finding clothes that were popular back in the day. For example, Adidas were big back in the 2000’s and now people are bringing them back into style. You can almost see styles from back in the day being worn today.  Along with fashion, advertising is undergoing a revolution. Consumers are becoming more engaged with fashion advertising because you are seeing it all over. You notice it on TV commercials, digital website ads, and on your social media apps. People are spending more money for online and digital ads compared to print ads. By having an online ad, it reaches to more of an audience and it offers a different type of experience. The picture above is a great example of how fashion advertisement has changed, and even the style trends.

This story appeared in Things Life on October 26, 2015 under the title, “The Decade That Fashion Forgot”.

Photo by Things Life

Here is the link for additional photos of fashion advertisement over the decades!