Can everyone be a graphic designer?

Whether we like it or not the business is changing, clients want a means to update their digital media message and don’t want to pay a ton to do so. – Just a few years ago it was taboo for a designer to create a Power-point presentation, I mean god forbid we use any Microsoft products and If you have a PC you’d best hide it in the back room under the interns desk. YES, we create snappy looking Power-point – Word – Publisher templates for our clients and yes we do have a PC, (I’ll bet you can guess where it resides.) A couple of years ago it hit me like a ton of t-squares, our clients want and we provide is our motto and believe it or not, we still get payed our hourly rate to create in Office and or CS4. The best thing of all is that we don’t have to suffer through the bad clip-art and 18 pt brush script with fluorescent pie charts.

There are people still in the industry that just want to create logos and really bitchin brochures, who wouldn’t, but…. now that the brochures quantities have gone from printing 10,000 to only 100 (if your lucky and the end product is not just an optimized PDF) and you can buy a crappy logo on-line for $69, we have to differentiate ourselves as offering more then good design, we need to offer a thought process that ultimately produces great design. I’m sold on the fact that its the simple creative process and flexible services that keep clients coming back.