Scary Advertising

Television advertising is something outside of our scope of work for sure, put the same principles of messaging still apply whether you are taking about a logo, a powerpoint, or even a tv ad. So now that I’ve seen this new ad campaign for the New Mexico Tourism Authority, I’m a little scared about the message.

Look, I get it, aliens crashed in Roswell and they want to go back. Ha ha ha (as sarcastically as possible). Fine. But I’m a tad confused. Are those not the alien’s from the movie “Alien”. You know, the blood sucking, people killing, Sigourney Weaver hating, aliens from the movie “Alien”? So my question is why, why, why would I want to vacation with them? Isn’t that a recipe for disaster. Won’t the term “Tourist Trap” be used literally by these extraterrestrial monsters? Just wondering?