Complete Companies Process

One of the things that every design firm (hopefully) goes through in the making of a companies’ identity is a process. Today we decided we would give you a small cross-section of the process we went through to create a new identity for Complete Companies: a company which is really comprised of 4 different services: metals, copper protection, cable removal, and appearances.

This project was worked on by Rick and Stuart while Cody sat it out.

The first step in any process is a client meeting followed by brainstorming and sketching. In this case Stuart took the idea of creating 4 “c”s (for 4 services, obviously) and combining them into a fluid logo mark

After sketching, and working we came back to the client with two identities. Stuart’s idea based around the 4 c concept and Rick’s idea that was based aroung using a C as an “icon” that created a “CC” mark.

Ultimately the client came back with what most clients say, they liked both and wanted to combine the ideas. While we generally tell clients that this can’t be done because combining two ideas together never works, we saw an opportunity to get this accomplished. So, Stuart took the project the rest of the way and sketched/brainstormed the CC icon idea together.

Eventually the ideas we’re pieced together to create the new identity. The logo works off of a 20 degree angle to create it’s typeface as well as guide the CC icon.

A typeface was created using this 20 degree angle and will be used going forward in the brand development.

Finally, subbrands we’re created using the same concept for each of the 4 companies.

Currently we’re expanding the brand to print and web and we’ll share it when we’re finished!