Being Present in the Moment

It’s a busy time of year, isn’t it? Work seems to snowball now, as everyone scrambles to finish those projects and close out those budgets for year-end, and sometimes –without a breath in between– we immediately launch into the next thing for the new year. There’s black tie events, a constant stream of holiday parties, and don’t forget about the school recitals and concerts for our kiddos. It’s the time of year to do everything and be everywhere all at once. But the trouble is, “busyness” is not limited to only this time of year. Regardless of season, how easy it is, when we finally get home after a long day, to jump to tomorrow (or next week, or next month) without taking any time to appreciate the ones we love around us, or even just some taking some quiet time to ourselves… sigh… How easy it is for LIFE to get lost in all the noise. I think the video above by OK GO does an amazing job depicting the chaos that life can often be, and how the *truly* great moments– the things that matter the most –are hidden in the minutia of things that are the easiest to overlook. So do yourself (and those around you) a favor and slow down, take some deep breaths, and be present in those little moments.

For more on the inspiration and production of this incredible video, check out the article here.